There are a lot of female escorts in Abu Dhabi from every part of the world, ready to provide sexual services to clients willing to pay. Most men visiting Abu Dhabi are tourists and travelers who only stay here for a short time, so they are unaware of the rates. Escorts in Abu Dhabi always try to charge them more than the usual amount as they are from around the place. So tourists and travelers always end up paying more than usual and feel scammed. Don’t worry; we are here to help you guys understand what reasonable prices mean. How much should you pay an escort in Abu Dhabi for regular services, what do you expect from them, and how to negotiate prices with an escort or an escort agency?
To get a reasonable price from an escort, you have to understand what we mean when we say female escorts at very affordable prices. Services by a suitable escort who looks good, just above average, for 2 hours, providing minimal services would cost you around 500 to 600 AED. That exact escort will be costing you around 800 for 2 hours if you want oral sex and 1000 to 1100 if you want a good relaxing massage as well. We quoted all the prices for escorts from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Nepal.
If you want to book an escort overnight, the prices could vary, depending on what services you want. An escort for the night who looks above average, with standard sexual services, would cost you around 800 to 1000 and. If you enjoy oral sex along with the usual sexual services, then it will cost you around 1200 to 1500 per night, and if you are interested in sensual massage along with oral sex, then it will cost you around 1500 to 1800 for a night. The ethnicity of the girls you can expect in these price ranges would be from southeast Asia, countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Sri Lankan escorts.
A gorgeous escort in Abu Dhabi who looks like Victoria’s Secret model will be expensive because they are beautiful and very much in demand all the time. If you want to spend 2 hours with a beautiful escort in Abu Dhabi with standard sexual services, it will cost you around 1000. If you’re going to have oral sex with usual sexual services, it will cost you around 1500. If you are the kind of man who also loves a sensual massage, it will cost you around 2000, including all the other services. Most men love these girls and their services because they are reasonably priced and provide very professional services. Most men never have any complaints as these escorts are amiable and well-mannered. Ethnicity in this category would be Indian, Pakistani, Bengali, mostly southeast Asian girls.
Suppose you are in the market for rare exotic escorts in Abu Dhabi, such as Russian escorts, European escorts, or American escorts in Abu Dhabi. In that case, you have to have a reasonable budget as these rare escorts are expensive and will cost you a lot more than regular or Asian escorts because they are rare, and everybody wants to spend time with them. If you want to spend 2 hours with an exotic escort in Abu Dhabi with the usual services, it will cost you around 1800. If you enjoy oral sex along with regular sexual services, then you have to pay more which would cost you around 2200, and if you’re going to have a massage by an exotic escort in Abu Dhabi, then it will cost you around 2800 to 3000 AED. If you want to spend a night with an exotic Russian escort in Abu Dhabi, then usual sexual services will cost you around 2500, and including oral sex in the package will cost you around 3200. If you want an exotic escort to spend the night with you, where she will also provide you with sensual massages and other services, it will cost no more than 4000 AED. This service is also called full service, where the escort will do whatever you want them to, with no restrictions.
If you are looking for something cheap, you can quickly get an Asian escort for around 200 and 1 hour, and if you want to spend the night with these escorts, then it will cost you no more than 500. The services they provide are just usual sexual services. These escorts will offer you oral sexual services for 100 and extra, whether for the night or a few hours.
Escorts in Abu Dhabi have very different rates, and anyone, whatever their budget might be, can find an escort who happily provides their services with a smile. But we have discussed the reasonable prices for each type of escort and their services in detail. Stick to the plan to avoid getting scammed by an escort or an escort agency in Abu Dhabi.